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Giannis  Kourtidis is an  agronomist who lives and works in Athens-Greece and has a long and great experience in the field of organic production.
More specific he was:

  • An auditor for the certification body of DIO (EL 001) for at least five years.
  • General Director for the certification body of Qways (EL 004) for three years.
  • And also he worked as a buyer and production manager in several trading companies in Greece dealing with organic production (fresh fruits and vegetables, dried products, dairy products e.t.c. ) for the Greek market and for exporting for at least six years.

One of his greater missions  is to develop reliable long term relations with the growers and the wholesalers/retailers, in order to enlarge the organic production and increase the consumption of healthy and safe organic food with respect and care towards the environment.

Useful links

Ministry of Rural Development and Food

FAO organization of UN



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